Kaat Bens (22/08/1993) also known as Mrs Boxer Braids, is a Belgian DJ. In 2015 she began her career as a DJ but Kaat had already been making her own hardcore mixes during her teen years. When she reached the age of 18 she decided to go to college but she quickly figured out that it wasn't the right fit for her. Soon after she ditched her modeling career and college education to become a full time professional DJ. Thanks to her refreshing sound, that is characterized by complex drum sounds and good beats Mrs Boxer Braids has created the perfect recipe for ‘Happy Hardcore’. When Mrs Boxer Braids released her first album in April 2015 she received many positive reviews. Her reputation has been growing steadily among the party goers ever since and so has her status. A mini documentary about DJ Boxer Braids' early years was released in June 2016. This documentary has brought a lot of attention to Mrs Boxer Braids and has opened up the discussion about hardcore music all over the globe.